Piano with Ms. V

A Parent's Guide to Piano Practice

Monday, August 14, 2017 by Sue Vinsant | Hints for Parents

Parent’s Guide to Piano Practice

Even parents who never learned piano themselves can help their children practice. One of the biggest ways a parent can help is by establishing a practice routine, right from the start. Most children need reminders to practice, and help following the teacher’s instructions. Follow the guidelines below and your child will make great progress and feel confident playing the piano.

1. Practice should happen at the same time every day whenever possible.

Choose a time that you are able to stick to. This could be before school in the morning, after school, after homework is  finished, just before dinner; any time that you can be consistent about.

2. Have your student practice the pieces assigned.

Setting a certain amount of time for practice is not ideal.  It often depends on the number and difficulty of the pieces assigned. Make sure the student practices all the assignments.  If this takes only 5 minutes that’s fine, if it takes 20 minutes that’s fine, too.  10 minutes is usually an ideal amount of time.  Be sure to log it in the Student Practice Log, so that they can be recognized at their lesson!

3. Try to encourage slow practice.

Whenever possible, and especially in the beginning few weeks, try to sit with your child and encourage them not to rush. You could also try tapping or clapping a steady beat while you’re child is playing to help them hear the pulse.

4. Be their student.

Get them to explain to you what they’re working on, how they know what to play etc. Try pointing to symbols and asking them what they mean. This will not only help you to know what’s going on, but will reinforce their knowledge.

5. Be positive!

Most importantly, let your child know how much you love hearing them play! This is by far the best way to encourage long term practice. (If they’re doing really well with a piece, it’s a great idea to arrange a mini-concert, gather round the family so they can show off all their hard work!)

I am currently doing in person and online lessons.  If we should have a surge in COVID this winter, I may go back to online lessons only.  IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR IN PERSON LESSONS, YOU MUST BE FULLY VACCINATED AND BE WILLING TO PROPERLY WEAR A MASK.  

If you are looking for lessons, and are uneasy about online, please know that I give a free introductory lesson so that you can try it out!  

"Music gives a soul to the universe,
wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination,
and life to everything."
~ Plato ~