Piano with Ms. V

How Long Should I Practice?

Tuesday, July 18, 2017 by Sue Vinsant | Hints for Parents


The times listed below are based on the average concentration span for a given age or skill level. Also, this time can be broken down into two or three sessions if the child is having difficulty with concentration. Practicing at least five days a week should be the goal.

Age 6 and under or beginner: 10-15 minutes daily
Age 7-8 or beginner: 15-20 minutes daily
Age 9-10 early intermediate: 20-30 minutes daily
Age 11-12 or intermediate: 30-45 minutes daily
Over 12 or late intermediate: 45-60 minutes daily

Remember, success with an instrument isn't based on "natural ability", it really boils down to putting in the time:

5 Days = Steady Progress
4 Days = Mostly Treading Water
3 Days and under = Grab the Life Preserver!

I am currently doing in person and online lessons.  If we should have a surge in COVID this winter, I may go back to online lessons only.  IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR IN PERSON LESSONS, YOU MUST BE FULLY VACCINATED AND BE WILLING TO PROPERLY WEAR A MASK.  

If you are looking for lessons, and are uneasy about online, please know that I give a free introductory lesson so that you can try it out!  

"Music gives a soul to the universe,
wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination,
and life to everything."
~ Plato ~